Greetings and Welcome
A very warm welcome to my personal site, I am a leading Muslim commentator on TV, Radio, Online often leading the debate and response from the Muslim community. Whether it is responding to Government announcements or attacks on the Muslim community, the threat from terrorism and extremism, the evil crimes of grooming I am often the first to respond through the media. I am proud that I am able to provide this leadership and demonstrate that Muslims can be proud of being British and being Muslim.
Over five years I decided that I had enough of the Extremists within the Muslim community always being on the media and presenting a distorted image of the Muslim community and Islam. Five years on I have been able to provide a more posiitve and honest reflection of our community, it has not been easy, you get attacked at times when you take a stance but overall I am proud of what I have contributed. Now being attacked by the Right wing bloggers and some on the far right like the BNP and Fascist English Defence League i take as a badge of honour. I am driven by promoting tolerance and peaceful co-existence in our communities.
I am the Head of News and Politics at the UK's leading Muslim TV Channel called "Ummah Channel", with two key shows called Newswatch and Debate Night, Click here for Ummah Channel
I also review the papers on BBC Radio Five Live every Saturdays at 11pm, you can listen live at
Please click about me page for further information about me and my life so far, remember if you like what you see or have any feedback please contact me via the contact me page. Enjoy and please do come back as the site is updated regularly.
Mohammed Shafiq

I have used my various meetings with the British Prime Minister David Cameron MP, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP and Labour Party and Leader of HM Opposition Ed Miliband MP to press home the issues facing British Muslims and having dialogue on the issues we disagree upon. I have used these meetings to discuss Syria, Palestine, Pakistan, impact on BME communities of the recession, lack of BME representation in politics, Rise of Islamphobia, Child sexual grooming amongst many other issue.
Public Speaking, Compere and TV, Radio Presenter
You can book me to speak at Conferences and public meetings anywhere in the world. I am an accomplished and confident public speaker. I have addressed various gatherings ranging from ten people to over 100 000 across the world. I am competent in speaking on issues affecting Muslims and our place in the world. I have spoken about the ever problems of sexual grooming of children and on the threat from terrorism and extremism.
As a seasoned TV and Radio Presenter I can be hired to carry our programme on a variety of issues. I am also available to compere at your events and dinners whether in the community or in religious venues, I have the confidence to carry these events as my own and do justice to the event.